With support and guidance, students are encouraged to establish and develop a weekly calendar, make daily life choices, and face the results in a supportive and focused atmosphere. We have found this experience is very helpful for students prior to returning to their home, or moving on to a less structured environment.

Virtual Tour Transitional Living House

Setting & Support

The Transitional Living Program is located in a home near downtown Ogden, Utah. It is centrally located on Historic Jefferson Avenue in Ogden Utah. Students are within easy walking distance of downtown Ogden and Public transportation. The home is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including awake overnight staff.

Every student has a support team consisting of a Primary Therapist, Program Coordinator, Community Advisor, Residential Adviser, and Medication Management Provider.  The family is also considered a very integral part of the support team.

The Transitional Living Program at Waterfall Canyon
Academy has four phases:

Phase 1


Students work together with their community adviser to develop their “Plan for Success,” an outline guiding students to establish goals, develop action plans, and progress through skills sets and objectives.

Phase 2


With support and guidance, students prepare for more community interaction such as employment, volunteering, extracurricular activities and educational opportunities.

Phase 3


Students start practicing skills learned on previous phases and apply them in real life scenarios.   This provides opportunities for learning and growth.  With support, students learn a lot about themselves; what they are capable of, excel at, need assistance with, and that they can be a contributing member of the community.

Phase 4


The transition phase is used to ensure students are prepared for their next step.  If they are moving into our Advanced Transitional Living program, they begin formal visits and meetings with their ATL Life Coach.  If they are moving back home or to another placement, efforts are made to ensure needed supports are in place prior to the move.

Education & Employment

With the assistance of their Support Team, students will implement an education and/or employment component into their Plan for Success. Students strengths, abilities, and personal interests are evaluated as they consider finding a job, participating in vocational training, or attending an educational institution.

The Ogden area offers a variety of employment opportunities.  This allows us to assist students in finding jobs that fit their abilities and need for support.  Students needing higher levels of support have access to job coaching programs.  Students that don’t require that level of support will have numerous opportunities to find competitive employment.

Educational opportunities range from finishing their high school diploma at our school, attending the area technology college (Over 75 different trades Add link to owtc), Weber State University or other online college classes.

Life Enrichment

Students will participate in multiple social and recreational activities each week that are organized by our staff.  In an effort to share personal interests and develop new ones, students have the opportunity to suggest sponsored activities.

Students will also have the opportunity to explore various life enriching activities outside of Waterfall Canyon Academy (extracurricular interest). Some of the key purposes for this are increasing confidence, developing and strengthening social abilities, character building, and an overall increased sense of independence and self-reliance.

Skills Development

We teach our students the skills needed to prepare for young adulthood in both formal and informal settings, encouraging them to be more self-reliant rather than depending on others to meet their needs.

Staff facilitated classes are offered four evenings each week that focus on Daily Living Skills, Social Skills and Life Management. Students are expected to attend these classes whenever their personal schedule doesn’t conflict.

Students regularly interact with their Community Advisor and Residential Advisor learning skills such as using public transportation, budgeting for beginners, and appropriate electronics usage.  In addition to these formal meetings many of the skills our students learn are taught in the moment by staff that are available and on-site 24/7, when teaching moments present themselves

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Call Bree Green @ 801-645-2568

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